It is more common today for individuals to change jobs several times throughout their careers than to remain with one company for the duration. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average number of job changes in a lifetime is 12 with many workers spending 5 years or less in each job. This can […]

What You Need to Know: Financial Planning for Education
Education PlanningToday is National Financial Awareness Day, and while this is likely not a holiday many have added to their personal calendars, it is a good one as it reminds us to think about our finances and goals. Along those lines, one avenue of finances that is important to consider is that of financial planning for […]

How to Discuss Finances in Your Relationship
Financial PlanningFinancial Focus for Women:An article series created by Bill Few Associates to help women achieve financial independence. Finances can be a source of conflict in any relationship and for good reason. Money supports our lifestyle, funds our hopes and aspirations, and assists in caring for our loved ones. Disagreements over how we spend, save, and […]

National Insurance Awareness Day: Life Insurance Explained
Financial PlanningToday is National Insurance Awareness Day, and while a discussion on insurance is not the most interesting of topics, understanding how it works and why it may be necessary is vital to your personal finances. This is especially true for life insurance. So, since this is National Insurance Awareness Day, let’s take a moment to […]

Important Information Regarding IRA Contributions
Financial Planning, Retirement PlanningThe IRS officially extended the federal tax filing deadline from April 15 to May 17. The IRA contribution deadline will also be extended to May 17, giving you more time to consider making and maximizing an IRA or Roth IRA contribution for 2020. Whether you are considering a contribution to your IRA or not, we […]

Financial Planning Updates and Tips for Q2 2021
Financial PlanningAs we head into Q2 of 2021, we can all likely agree that our financial mindset at this point in 2021 is different than it was in the second quarter of 2020. Within the last year, a lot has changed around us. We have experienced many challenges, and our priorities have likely shifted. Due to […]

8 Tips to Build a Strong Financial Plan
Financial PlanningOne goal that many people have is to achieve financial independence. This type of independence can mean different things to different people. It may mean being able to save for college or retirement or being able to purchase the things you really want. Achieving this goal does not happen overnight as it takes a lot […]

It’s Time to Get Confident with Financial Planning
Financial PlanningFinancial Focus for Women:An article series created by Bill Few Associates to help women achieve financial independence. Even after achieving a strong education and establishing a career, some women may not feel confident when it comes to financial planning. From not having the time to devote to financial planning between work and family — to […]

Why to Include Estimated Tax Payments in Your Financial Plan
Financial PlanningTaxes are something that everyone must pay if they earn or receive income. Taxes either need to be withheld from your income or paid by means of estimated tax payments throughout the year. If this is not done as you earn or receive income, or if you do not pay enough in taxes, you may […]

What to Review at Year End with Your Financial Advisor
Financial PlanningWe are nearing the end of a year that has not been like any other year we have experienced so far. Between the pandemic, circumstances that have changed for many businesses, job security or changing how many people work, the election, and anything else that came up, it is definitely a year that likely came […]