For two years in a row, large-capitalization US stocks, particularly stocks and indices tilted towards growth like the NASDAQ and the S&P 500, have had strong returns. The average return for the S&P 500 over many decades is around 10%. In 2023, the S&P 500 was up 26% and in 2024 it was up 25%. Using simple […]

Fall Update
Market UpdateI’ve always liked the fall season. Many people do. Goldilocks temperatures, beautiful fall foliage, crisp cool mornings and sunny, shorter days. However, it just occurred to me that I’m now in my personal fall. I turned 62 this summer. Based on actuarial lifespan estimates, I’m definitely in my fall, maybe even late fall? I’m happy and healthy, but I did not […]

Mid-Year Update – Reversion to the Mean
Market UpdateReversion to the mean is a fancy statistical term for the tendency of data points to return to their historical average over longer periods of time. As an example, according to Google, the average June rainfall in Pittsburgh is just over four inches for the month. Could be zero, could be eight inches, but you would expect […]

Scary Improvements in AI in the Last Six Months
Market UpdateThe first quarter of 2024 turned out to be a positive one for investors, with most major market indices posting healthy gains in the quarter. The S&P 500, a broad measure of the U.S. stock market, rose by approximately 10.6% during this 90-day period. It was a great start to the year and a continuation […]

January 2024 Market Update
Market UpdateIn my updates, I usually find an investment theme that I want to present to you and then attempt to write about it in an educational and fun way. Given that the internet and cable TV are chock-full of financial reporting these days, there is better use for your time and mine than just repeating the […]

Hype versus Reality
Market UpdateThe title of this summer update applies to how the financial markets have started 2023 and my investigation into AI (artificial intelligence, smart software you can talk with). The good news is the financial markets have performed well year to date (YTD), much better than all the hype of recession, inflation and economic woes. The […]

Rebalancing Your Asset Mix
Market UpdateSpring is here and my backyard is full of rabbits. Many handily survived our mild winter and, yes, they are cute, but these are big bunnies. I have lived in the same house for three decades now and have seen the ebb and flow of nature over the years. In the past, we had more […]

Silver Linings?
Market UpdateFrom a financial viewpoint, 2022 was a year where we all suffered, but I sincerely hope your year was better than mine. Although I hit a couple happy milestones this year – I celebrated my 60th birthday as well as the 40th anniversary with my lovely wife – this was also the year that Alzheimer’s […]

Hard or Soft Landing
Market UpdateSeveral years ago, a sports reporter had a great idea. Each year, they would “retire” some worn out, overused sports cliché, like “smash mouth” football or we play the season “one game at a time.” In the economic drama that has unfolded over the current Fed tightening cycle, the appropriate economic cliché to retire for […]

Are We Out of Georgia Yet?
Market UpdateAs an economic commentator on CNBC was trying to describe how much longer the stock and bond markets might stay down, she said the day-after-day bad news is as irritating as her kids asking, “Are we there yet?” on a car ride. Hearing that triggered childhood memories of my family’s frequent car trips. Around 1970, […]