Personalized Financial Planning

Personal financial planning is about protecting and prolonging your life’s work, along with the values that brought you here. After all, it’s not wealth you’ve accumulated. It’s a lifetime of contributions you’re being compensated for. It’s your achievements being recognized.

Whether you are just starting to build assets, contemplating a comfortable retirement, or creating a financial legacy, Bill Few Associates can help you build a comprehensive, personalized financial plan and investment strategy. As your partner, we plan for the long term, reacting to the winding road ahead and reaching clear milestones along the way. All so you and your loved ones can relax and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with financial achievement.

It’s our honor to serve you

Our Services

Our financial planning and investment expertise comes with a unique level of personalized service. In fact, we have established personal relationships with many of our clients, many of whom have been with us since our company was founded in 1987. Most importantly, we listen to what you want out of life—your hopes, your dreams, and your goals—not just during the initial planning process, but every step of the way. We meet with you on a regular basis to answer questions and make plan adjustments to keep you on track toward financial success.



Why the CFA® Designation Matters

In the world of financial advising, credentials matter. They signal a level of expertise, dedication, and trustworthiness that clients can rely on when making critical decisions about their financial futures. One of the most respected designations in the industry is the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation, a gold standard for investment professionals. At Bill Few [...]

Year in Review and Some Investment Thoughts

For two years in a row, large-capitalization US stocks, particularly stocks and indices tilted towards growth like the NASDAQ and the S&P 500, have had strong returns. The average return for the S&P 500 over many decades is around 10%.  In 2023, the S&P 500 was up 26% and in 2024 it was up 25%.  Using simple [...]

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