Financial Insights

A Guide to Financial Planning for Newlyweds

Financial Planning

Congratulations, you’re married! All that time spent on wedding planning has finally paid off. Once a couple gets married and begins embarking on their exciting journey together, it’s important to lay the groundwork for a stable and prosperous future. One of the key aspects of a successful marriage is effective financial planning, and having an […]

Financial Awareness Day: Quick Tips From Our Advisors

Financial Planning

On this National Financial Awareness Day, we embrace the opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of financial literacy and planning. In today’s ever-changing economic landscape, being financially prepared is more critical than ever. Understanding your financial situation, setting clear objectives, and developing a well-structured financial plan are essential components of financial security. Our team […]

Count On It

Financial Planning

AS SEEN IN: Read our article in Bloomberg Businessweek, Fortune, and Entrepreneur! Find out about our journey and how we have structured to provide clients with seamless and quality long-term financial planning. Read More There comes a time when a person considers the age of their primary care physician, dentist, or therapist and wonders what […]

Financial Scam

Navigating the World of Financial Scams

Financial Planning

As technology evolves, so do the tactics of those seeking to defraud others. From phishing emails to socially engineered attacks, scammers have a myriad of ways to line their pockets with your money. In very sophisticated ways, a scam can be launched using email, phone, and social media platforms that can elude even the hyper […]

Contact Michael K. Kauffelt, II, CFA

North Hills Address
107 Mt. Nebo Pointe
Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
South Hills Address
740 Washington Road
Mt. Lebanon, PA 15228

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At Bill Few Associates, we offer a wide range of financial planning services tailored just for you.

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