To the relief of taxpayers and financial professionals alike, the IRS’s April 15 federal income tax return filing deadline is now in the rearview mirror. Unless you requested a six-month extension to file your return, you have fulfilled your obligation until next spring. It’s tempting to forget about taxes altogether until next season, but looking […]

Unlocking the Power of Compound Interest
Financial Planning, Investment ManagementAs we observe Financial Literacy Month, it’s important to highlight the significant impact of compound interest, a powerful tool for building wealth. At Bill Few Associates, we believe in empowering individuals with the knowledge to make their money work harder for them, and understanding compound interest is key to that mission. What is compound interest? […]

Scary Improvements in AI in the Last Six Months
Market UpdateThe first quarter of 2024 turned out to be a positive one for investors, with most major market indices posting healthy gains in the quarter. The S&P 500, a broad measure of the U.S. stock market, rose by approximately 10.6% during this 90-day period. It was a great start to the year and a continuation […]

5 Essential Tips for Managing Beneficiaries
Estate Planning, Financial PlanningEstate planning is not merely about the distribution of assets; it’s about ensuring that your legacy is preserved according to your wishes. One crucial aspect of estate planning often overlooked is managing beneficiaries. Whether it’s a retirement account, life insurance policy, or investment portfolio, properly designating beneficiaries is essential. However, the importance of this task […]

Mutual Funds and ETFs: Simple Means of Diversification
Financial Planning, Investment ManagementMutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are among the most common financial instruments for investors seeking diversification. Many investors are familiar with mutual funds through their 401(k) plans and other retirement accounts, which typically offer a selection of such funds as investment options. However, fewer know about the benefits offered by their ETF cousins, which […]

Assessing Your 2024 Financial Goals
Financial PlanningAs we head into the new year, it’s an opportune time to reflect on your financial journey this past year and set the stage for a prosperous 2024. A financial checkup is a crucial step in ensuring that your financial planning goals align with your current situation and future aspirations. At Bill Few Associates, our […]

January 2024 Market Update
Market UpdateIn my updates, I usually find an investment theme that I want to present to you and then attempt to write about it in an educational and fun way. Given that the internet and cable TV are chock-full of financial reporting these days, there is better use for your time and mine than just repeating the […]

A Guide to Financial Planning for Newlyweds
Financial PlanningCongratulations, you’re married! All that time spent on wedding planning has finally paid off. Once a couple gets married and begins embarking on their exciting journey together, it’s important to lay the groundwork for a stable and prosperous future. One of the key aspects of a successful marriage is effective financial planning, and having an […]

National 401(k) Day: Your Pathway to a Secure Retirement
Financial Planning, Retirement PlanningWith end-of-summer activities wrapping up and autumn just around the corner, now is the season to buckle down and focus on what needs to be done before the end of the year. This includes thinking about your retirement plan. It’s crucial to remember that the decisions you make today will impact your quality of life […]

Financial Awareness Day: Quick Tips From Our Advisors
Financial PlanningOn this National Financial Awareness Day, we embrace the opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of financial literacy and planning. In today’s ever-changing economic landscape, being financially prepared is more critical than ever. Understanding your financial situation, setting clear objectives, and developing a well-structured financial plan are essential components of financial security. Our team […]